Monday, August 27, 2012

From June 13 but on a different site.

Dear Burger King Executive that approved this:

First off I would just like to say that you're store in Milledgeville is a god-awful catastrophe full of people that can only undercook or a cheeseburger and overcook a double cheeseburger. An
d the chicken is almost always cold. I am surprised by the A grade they received. However, it is the health dept. not the chef dept. But moving on...

I am saddened by this recent fat-rocity, fat + atrocity, that you have created. It is a testament to the destruction of our arteries that America has become best known for. There was a time when I weighed between 215 and 220 on a bad day, and most of that was due to the fact that Your company, Sonic, McDonald's, Zaxby's, IHOP, Church's, Little Ceasar's, and a multitude of chinese restaurants all existed on the same strip that I traveled each day on my way to work. Each business offering less time consuming alternatives to making home cooked meals.

But the relationship I had with your company and its competitors eventually had to end. Since I cut back on all of the unnecassary junk food and pizza eating and doing a modest amount of exercising I've dropped down to between 170 and 175 on a bad day. Looking back now I am disgusted by the amount of fast food I once consumed. Its greasy and unattractive, qualities it shares only with old fat mobster types and hardcore pc gamers. Its never filling but always makes you feel like you've eaten too much, but that's simply because you guzzle an entire coke while eating it to wash it down before you finish chewing. Afterwards rather than going for a short jog or run, it instead implores your body to go take a nap. Fast food is a plague on the human race that, if purged, would be only shortly missed.

With that being said, I have made plans to visit and get two of these a week until the promotion ends. Keep up the good work.


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